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20130107NY | The Peace Correspondent



Peace on Earth

At Pragmora, Peace on Earth is not a hope, nor a prayer, nor a wish.
At Pragmora, Peace on Earth is a goal — one that we work towards through meticulous research, systematic policy analysis, and persistent advocacy. Every day, we are developing and advocating realistic measures to help prevent new conflicts from arising, resolve ongoing conflicts, and foster long-term stable peace in post-conflict regions.
From the Pragmora Board of Directors…
To our valued Supporters—our deepest thanks for your donations, time, advocacy actions, and cheerful encouragement. We will make progress in 2013 because you helped.
To our new Partners in peace around the globe—we look forward to working more closely with you in 2013, to sharing knowledge, strengthening our networks… and enhancing our successes.
To our dear Friends and Colleagues who today struggle in the midst of war and conflict—we promise to persist in drawing attention to your plight and in advocating pragmatic measures to help stop the conflict and alleviate the suffering.  We are inspired by your courage, strength and commitment to helping your community move towards a better future.
For every child, woman and man whose name we don’t know but who suffers just the same because of conflicts beyond their control—Pragmora pursues its peacebuilding mission in the belief that every life is precious, every life matters.


“We Shall Find Peace, We Shall Hear Angels, We Shall See the Sky Sparkling with Diamonds”
— Anton Chekhov


Plan the Peace.
Dr. Glenys A. Babcock, President
on behalf of the Pragmora Board of Directors
Please consider a making a donation and supporting our work to end the suffering and horror caused by armed conflicts globally.

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